By living for 20 years in Ho Chi Minh City, I felt the necessity to create a "vision" for its southern region.
I believe that one of the needs of the vast current urban region is to enhance the network of its rivers and canals, which can form the backbone for imagining a different urban development, more oriented towards green eco-compatible models.
In this master plan I try to imagine this different development model, through the creation of an "eco urban park", that is, an agricultural park integrated with nature and its vast network of waterways and where the residence is flanked by sporting and recreational activities.

The southern territory of Ho Chi Minh City and the western part of Long An province in Vietnam are characterised by a vast network of interconnected rivers and canals, which constitutes an important resource both for agriculture and - in perspective – for recreational uses and as an alternative public transport system on water (riverbus).
Even the current "light" infrastructure of country roads constitutes a resource for cycle-pedestrian mobility.
The valorization of rivers and canals is accompanied by a process of re-naturalization or forestation of certain areas (green areas) integrated with existing homes, to trigger a virtuous process towards the creation of the park.
This "vision" proposes an URBAN ECO PARK, that is, a community where low-density residence is alternated with agriculture, nature, sporting and recreational activities and structured on the network of rivers and canals, thus favoring a eco-friendly «green» mobility.
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