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A green journey: experience the landscape 


On a total land area of nearly 13 HA on the beautiful island of Phu Quoc, the main goal of the master plan is to connect 5 different plots to become a landscape journey to the beach side.

The Discovery Path; Following the unique landscape and topography of the site the path  creates a special landscape experience. Unifying the five zones through a uniform architecture while leading them from experience to experience until they reach the beach square.

The curviness is mainly given by the  landscape. Where the landscape is flat it is curved to never display the full length of the site and thus shorten the mental distance, and keep the visitor present in the zone. 

The Crossings; The crossings are to visually connect the zones at the same time  make an outside zone warning the visitor of possible traffic. The path grows to the street; The change in material is to warn the vehicles of the upcoming crossway. Further LED light are pit in the cobblestones to create extra awareness at night time. 

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